Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Marketing Plan - Rotating Spaghetti Fork

We wish to sell a product of which will revolutionise pasta eating as we know it, we present to you the rotating spaghetti fork. No more pasta stains, no more embarrasing moments at the italian resturant, no more, no more!!!

Our marekting plan consists of the following:
- P.E.S.T. analysis
- S.W.O.T. analysis
- Advertisment (TV, magazines, Posters, radio, etc.)
- Internet marketing projects (homepage, online shop, etc.)
- Distrubution to householding shops across the UK

We plan to begin with a budget of 9,000 pounds, to produce, distribute and make publicity.
-5,000 for materials and production process
-2,000 for distribution
-2,000 for publicity

PEST analysis

Our PEST analysis shows that the rotating fork would be help for the ageing parts of the society, of which it would easier for them to eat pasta when they don’t have to rotate the fork by hand, it also shows us that it would be a great help for the younger parts of society as the rotating fork would reduce their chance of getting pasta stains on their clothes, thus reducing the amount of laundry and saving the family a little money.

But, a negative side of this is the costs of replacing the batteries to the fork since it’s battery powered.

SWOT analysis

Strengths: This is a unique product and it will receive a lot of attencion, especially from the
younger people (kids) because we think they will find it funny and interesting.

Weaknesses: Some persons will find this a useless product, saying they can rotate the fork by theirselves.

Opportunities: Showing the product to kids, making it good looking for them (colorfull)

Threats: there are some conditions which could damage the objective, maybe some persons will refuse to use the rotating fork.

Summary: Our idea is to sell a rotating spaghetti fork, specially for the younger people. We hope to begin selling it in UK and if we have succes continue with the rest of Europe. We have analiced all the positive and negative aspects and we are sure of that this is a really different product that will call attention of a lot of persons.

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